Food safety is a concern of many countries in the world, especially developing countries, including Vietnam. Food hygiene not only directly affects health, longevity, quality of life but also determines the prestige of the food brand. The quality of food hygiene and safety of a food is determined by all stages of the first stage of production, followed by processing, storage and distribution to consumers.
Currently, clean food is of particular interest to people, as it relates to human health. The problem of pesticide residues and chemicals in vegetables is high, is a common concern of the whole society. Excessive overproduction of insecticides is still occurring in a number of localities, with long-term effects on habitat, groundwater and land.
Analysis of industrial feeds showed that levels of toxins and feed contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms as well as heavy metals content such as lead, copper and zinc in animal feeds were higher than those prescribed for 1, 8 to 5.6 times. This causes residues and affects the safety of the animals.
In recent decades, Vietnam’s agriculture has developed strongly and achieved remarkable achievements in terms of productivity, output, type and scale of production …; has created a huge volume of products to ensure domestic consumption and export. However, our country’s agriculture is facing many challenges